Our Agents Portal Is on Its Way
2022-06-03 13:46:00
Author: admin
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Do you know that One Horizon responds within 60 minutes to any booking request made by an agent, irrespective of the time of day? And while everybody appreciates this, it’s going to get even better. One Horizon’s agent’s portal will enable bookings to be made online by our trade partners. It’s a streamlined process. And yes, there will be instant confirmations, no waiting time and a booking process that consumes only seconds.
One Horizon are realists when it comes to the responsiveness demanded by our partners. And the 101 of sales has always been that with faster responses, the more likely it is that a successful sale will be achieved. The agents portal will be live in about 4 weeks, and we will be inviting our trade partners to log into this portal where they will have their own secure ‘cave’ containing everything they will need to secure a sale. In the meantime, One Horizon will continue to provide 60 minutes or less response times that we have become known for.